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:: My Accomplishments ::

Goals that I have achieved or am currently working on...

48) Enter my sweepstakes every day (in progress)

As many of you know, I'm addicted to entering sweepstakes. We've done pretty good for winnings, but I was pretty bad at entering them in 2008. Between being really busy with the wedding plans, gone for two weeks for the wedding/honeymoon, plus just plain being discouraged about not winning I wasn't very dedicated to entering. However I can only blame myself for not winning much because you really have to dedicate yourself every day to entering to stand a good chance. So it's my goal (for 2009 at least) to enter every day unless there really is something big going on in life that prevents it.

To help encourage myself here is a list of some of our biggest winnings and hopefully we'll enter more for 2009!!
~ Laptop, Digital Picture Frame, Digital Camera & Photo Printer (Ellen - 2007)
~ Trip (Oprah - 2008)
~ $500 SpaFinder.com gift card (Whoopi - 2007)
~ Audio/Video Baby Monitor ($250 - Family Groove - Feb '09)
~ Year's Supply Diaper Wipes/Cream ($350 - Mustela - March '09)

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