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:: My Accomplishments ::

Goals that I have achieved or am currently working on...

38) Red an entire book series

I've never been big on reading, let alone reading many book series. The only other time I've done this was with the Shopaholic series... however those are very easy reads so I wanted to try to find a larger book series to complete--and I certainly accomplished that!!

In September I began reading the Twilight Series and was hooked! So in order to accomplish #38, I decided to read the entire 5*-book saga. I have already read Twilight and am beginning to read New Moon for October. After this book I will have Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, and possibly Midnight Sun left. I'm also excited because the first book is being released as a movie in November and it's rare that I've read a book prior to the movie so I'll be excited to compare the two.

** Editor's Note: I am so addicted to the series that as of 10/6 I've already completed New Moon and Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn!!! I'm marking this task as completed since the last book in the series may or may not be published. However I know how the story ends because the last book is just the first book written from Edward's perspective rather than Bella's... can't wait!

Series Progress

September 2008 - Twilight
October 2008 - New Moon
October 2008 - Eclipse
October 2008 - Breaking Dawn

* There currently are 4-1/2 books in the series... the author's fifth book Midnight Sun was leaked to the public and it's undetermined if she will finish the rest for publication.

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